Blind Spot Safety for Whitehall Driving

July 26, 2020

Blind spots may be a good thing when it comes to a spouse's annoying habits, but when driving an automobile in Whitehall, they are definitely to be avoided. So, while it's not good marital advice, it's good auto advice to minimize your own blind spots and stay out of other Whitehall drivers' bli... More

Fuel Injection Basics for Whitehall

July 19, 2020

All modern Whitehall vehicles come with fuel injection systems, so it's a topic Whitehall drivers need to know something about. The mighty fuel injector is a valve that delivers the gas or diesel fuel to the right place, in the right amount at the right timeto be mixed with air and burned in the ... More

A Fluid Situation (Check Fluid Levels)

July 12, 2020

There's one fluid in your car you are always careful to keep at a certain level: the fuel. If you don't have fuel, you're not going anywhere. Your vehicle has other fluids which are vitally important to proper and safe operation, too. So, here's a "level" headed approach to those "other" fluids... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Whitehall Tune Up

July 5, 2020

Have you ever gone to listen to an orchestra? The musicians take the stage early and tune their instruments. Each individual instrument must be in tune, but the critical thing is for the entire orchestra to be in tune with each other. That's why they tune up together.Now this is no surprise; I'm ... More